Behind the Scalpel: Grateful for Church Support

Psalm 67, v.1, begins with a prayer and plea, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us —“. This is our heart’s cry for God’s loving presence among us, and His provision to us, but first and foremost acknowledging that it is undeserved.

But Psalm 67 goes on to show us a larger purpose for His graciousness to us. As we read through vv. 2-7, we see a global vision…to the earth, all nations, all peoples, and all the ends of the earth. And what is that vision? It is for His ways and salvation to be known, for His sovereign rule to guide, so all will praise Him, be glad, sing for joy, and also be blessed.

God grants us the grace to carry out a global vision. But how beautiful and powerful when our hearts and spirits are unified in this as a community, as the church. Scalpel At The Cross is so grateful for churches that provide financial support, send mission team members, and raise prayer and praise on our behalf.

We are graced communities purposed with a global vision.